Title: HOT COMPOST Awareness Campaign, 2024 Subtitle: “Eat, pray, slay and decay”
Materials: Silk screen print with compostable paint, grades of compostation in a wormbox
Installed at Refractive Perspectives, AIL Vienna
Mainstream media is saturated with an aesthetic of plasticity and shininess. Images of flawless and standardized bodies are used to create the desire for identification and thereby instrumentalized to sell consumer goods that hold the promise of success, fulfillment, and happiness.
Can pop-cultural visuals be appropriated progressively to foster a conscience for the processes of life, decay, and death? For a cultivation of the soil and of the fertile shit of worms?
This speculative advertising campaign promotes decay and compost as essential components for life on earth. The processes of (de)compostition and its power of biochemical growth should be brought back into the center of attention.